BTW 2003
deutsch Industrial Program

Call for Participation: german / english
Program for download: german / english


Thursday, 02/27/2003
11:00 - 12:30 Industrial Session 1 (Hörsaal 12): Integration and Configuration (Chair: Uta Störl)
Udo Nink, Stefan Schäfer (CronideSoft AG):
The IOP Approach to Enterprise Frameworks

Anja Schanzenberger, Colin Tully, D.R. Lawrence (GfK):
Überwachung von Aggregationszuständen in verteilten komponentenbasierten Datenproduktionssystemen

Robert Marti (Swiss Re):
Information Integration in a Global Enterprise: Some Experiences from a Financial Services Company (short paper)

Marc Bastien (Oracle):
Integration von ETL und OLAP in die relationale DWH-Technologie: mehr Lösung für weniger Aufwand? (short paper)

Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30 Industrial Session 2 (Hörsaal 12): XML and Tuning (Chair: Harald Schöning)
Thomas Tesch, Peter Fankhauser, Tim Weitzel (Infonyte):
Skalierbare Verarbeitung von XML mit Infonyte-DB

Michael Gesmann (Software AG):
Manipulation von XML-Dokumenten in Tamino

Ulrike Schwinn (Oracle):
XML in der Oracle Datenbank "relational and beyond" (short paper)

Eva Kwan, Sam Lightstone, Berni Schiefer, Adam Storm, Leanne Wu (IBM):
Automatic Database Configuration for DB2 Universal Database: Compressing Years of Performance Expertise into Seconds of Execution (short paper)

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30 Industrial Session 3 (Hörsaal 12): Data Warehousing and Indexing (Chair: Hans-Jürgen Appelrath)
Michael Hahne (cundus AG):
Logische Datenmodellierung zur Abbildung mehrdimensionaler Datenstrukturen im SAP Business Information Warehouse

Roland Pieringer, Klaus Elhardt, Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Rudolf Bayer (Transaction Software, IBM, FORWISS):
Transbase: a Leading-edge ROLAP Engine Supporting Multidimensional Indexing and Hierarchy Clustering

Götz Graefe (Microsoft):
Partitioned B-tree's - a user's guide

17:45 Meeting of GI-Fachgruppe Database Systems (Hörsaal 11 or 12)

ab 19:30 Conference Dinner BTW + KiVS at Auerbachs Keller